
Adding plugins

The plugins for Reves DSE have to be placed inside the Plugin subdirectory in the application start-up folder of Reves DSE. The application startup folder should be located at %LocalAppData%\Reden BV\Reves Launcher\Applications\34736db4-45a2-45a0-a901-d7d5dcce8166\AppFiles This Plugin folder will be created once Reves DSE application is started if not available.

Using plugins

All plugins will be loaded from the %LocalAppData%\Reden BV\Reves Launcher\Applications\34736db4-45a2-45a0-a901-d7d5dcce8166\AppFiles\Plugins folder. You can enable or disable loaded plugins by clicking the corresponding plugin menu item under the Plugins menu bar item. The enabled state of a plugin is stored in the model file and is used to determine the enabled state of a plugin when a model is opened. Depending on the plugin different feature are added to the program.

Get plugins

If you are interested in adding plugins to your Reves DSE environment, please contact us via e-mail at or call +31 (0) 88 5202 500 for more information.